Saturday, July 26, 2008

Excel Test Prep Discount

Hey Everyone,
I made this blog to get more people to go to Excel Test Prep. Use this complimentary
coupon and get $25 off. Just use the given code on your application and thats it!

If your wondering why you should enroll in Excel Test Prep:

1. It really works! Everyone in my class made 200 to 400 point improvements.

2. The teachers are really nice. Moreover, they are interested in making the "Boring SAT" more enjoyable.

3. Probably one of the greatest parts of Excel is Exam Club.

- Depends whether you get Platinum or not, but Exam Club enables you to take several practice SAT's even after the class is over! Come whenever you like and take one. They also have practice SAT II tests(physics, chemistry, etc.)!
- A Platinum membership allows you to use the Exam Club till the end of your high school career.

Those are just a few reasons you should join Excel Test Prep....

Here is the URL for the website:

If you do decide to join the course [please] e-mail me
1. Your name
2. When you are joining the course (I need to tell the the people at Excel)

at the following e-mail address:

** I am not affiliated with Excel Test Prep - Just helping their business :)

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